Calculator Overview

The calculators on are not intended to take the place of a professional, quantitatively skilled investment advisor.  However, they are useful for quick and free analysis to give you order of magnitude estimates.

Also, before using any of the calculators, particularly the forecasting calculators, be sure to read the Calculator Caution page in detail.  Additionally, the book, Great Minds. Great Wealth. Great for Your 401k. will assist you in understanding the investment arena and determining reasonable input values for using in the calculators.  You may also find the VLOGS and blogs on this web site to be helpful.

Thank you for your time, consideration and interest.  We hope these calculators and other information on this web site will help you on your personal financial journey.  Please let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

DISCLAIMER:  Neither, nor Schulz Media, nor Schulz Financial nor any other entity directly or indirectly affiliated with this web site assume any risk or responsibility for the accuracy, implications, results or decisions made using the calculators contained herein.



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